
Paleo Diet Weight Loss: Most Effective Diet At Improving Markers For Chronic Illness

Paleo diet weight loss, it may be effective for weight loss, but are there any other paleo diet benefits? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! Oh wait, sorry! Not on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z, but we’ll talk about it in this post!

paleo diet weight loss

Anyone else feel awkward while pooping in public? Not a fan of it, mostly because I don’t like public toilets.

I also feel awkward pooping in public, don’t know why. Sometimes you just have to do it though! Can’t hold it in! It’ll save your bathroom from getting all stunk up as well!

ANYWAYS, last time we went over topics such at what is a paleo diet, paleo diet for weight loss and paleo diet food list; so, I won’t be touching on that a lot. You can read my article, Paleo Diet Weight Loss: 5 VERY IMPORTANT Facts You Need To Consider, for more information on what is a paleo diet.

Today, we will be assessing a study reviewed on, Dietary Patterns and Non-Communicable Disease Biomarkers: A Network Meta-Analysis and Nutritional Geometry Approach, they are the founders of the paleo diet! I want to make sure they are reporting their results correctly and not altering the results in favor of the paleo diet!

This article compared The paleo diet against multiple other diets that included, the DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension), mediterranean diets, low carb and high fat, plant based, low fat, western and dietary guideline diets!

You might be asking, what makes me credible to discuss, this?! Well, I’m a practicing pharmacist, so I know a little about healthcare! I’m also into fitness and have lost 50 pounds (lbs) twice in my life (kept it off the second time lol).

Lets get into it, are there any other paleo diet benefits besides weight loss?

Paleo Diet Weight Loss: Most Effective Diet At Improving Markers For Chronic Illness

This won’t be a deep dive into statistics or outside studies. I will only be assessing the results of this study at a broad level so it’s easy to understand. If this is enough interest, we can take a deeper looks in this study or you can assess the study for yourself as well.

1. About The Study1,4

The study,  Dietary Patterns and Non-Communicable Disease Biomarkers: A Network Meta-Analysis and Nutritional Geometry Approach, was a meta-analysis, meaning, it assessed data from studies that were already conducted that were looking for similar points of data. 68 studies were included in this meta-analysis.

These were the biomarkers assessed in the study:

  1. Inflammation Biomarkers
    1. High sensitivity C Relative Protein (hsCRP)
    2. Interleukin 6 (IL-6)
  2. Glycemic Control Biomarkers
    1. Glucose
    2. Insulin
    3. Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR)
  3. Lipids and Apolipoproteins
    1. Total cholesterol (TC)
    2. Low density lipoprotein (LDL – “bad cholesterol”)
    3. High density lipoprotein (HDL – “good cholesterol”)
    4. Triglycerides (TG)
    5. Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) – carries bad fats to where they are going
    6. Apolipoprotein A1(ApoA1) – a protein carried by HDL and starts the process of the removal of bad fats

Improvements in these biomarkers (labs) were assessed by measuring a value called surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA). This a value between 0 to 100%. The higher the value, the more likely someone is to experience the results!

2. Results

Paleo diet food list

If you look at the all-outcomes combined, the very last row, the diet most likely to experience an improvement in all three outcomes combined, was the paleo diet! This meant improvement in inflammation, glycemic control and lipid and apolipoprotein profile (fats/cholesterol lab values)!

Remember, these numbers are the “SUCRA” score, the higher the number, the better.

To understand this better, the SUCRA score for all-outcomes combined was 67.2 for the paleo diet. For the western habitual diet, it was 35.6. The score for the paleo diet was almost double, that means there is almost double the chance of experiencing improvement in lab values being assessed with the paleo diet as opposed to the western habitual diet!

For inflammation by itself, the paleo diet was most likely to see improvement with a SUCRA score of 87.

For improvement in glycemic control, the low carbohydrate and high fat diet was most likely to improve glycemic related lab values.

The diet most likely to improve fat levels was the mediterranean diet!

Regardless, as I stated before, paleo diets provides the most overall all benefits, per this study!

3. Discussion

Well, wasn’t lying when they reported that the paleo diet is overall superior to the other diets that were assessed in this study!

So, that settles it, we should all switch to the paleo diet, right?

Hold your horses there, big guy, not so fast! There are some concerns I have with this study. They were great at comparing a lab values, but how much did the lab values improve by?

Maybe one diet decreased glucose by 1 point and another did by 2 points, so the one that decreased glucose by 2 points is considered superior? Or was it one decreased by 1 point and another by 20 points? Who knows!

The amount the lab values changed need to be reported. I would want to see numbers!

Also, the studies all had different protocols. What was the average age of the patients? Weight? Activity levels? What disease states did they have? What were the ethnicities of the participants?

In my opinion, there should be a long term study conducted that controls the diet in terms of calories and macronutrients along with exercise in all participants. We don’t know if in certain studies participants were exercising more or stricter on their diets.  So many questions that need to be answered, still. Too many variable factors.

Conducting a study and controlling all these factors would be tough, of course.

The paleo diet sounds like a fantastic diet, will it work for everyone? Can’t be said, from this study, anyways.

For me personally, I don’t like giving up any types of foods. I like to eat everything in moderation, this study does spark some interest for me.

Maybe I’ll have to give the paleo diet a try one day! I can’t argue the fact trying to eat whole foods is healthier!

4. Final Thoughts

Regardless of all of this, if your goal is to lose weight, no matter which diet you choose, you MUST be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. If you are eating more calories than your body requires, you will GAIN weight!

If you want to figure out how many calories you need to lose weight, please check out my article, EVERYTHING About Calculating Calories!

That’s post is all you need to figure out how you can start losing weight!

That’s it, my gorgeous people. This article was s summary about the study, Dietary Patterns and Non- Communicable Disease Biomarkers: A Network Meta-Analysis and Nutritional Geometry Approach!!!

Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

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  1. “Apolipoprotein A – Health Encyclopedia – University of Rochester Medical Center.” N.p., n.d. Web. <>
  2. Liang S, Mijatovic J, Li A, Koemel N, Nasir R, Toniutti C, Bell-Anderson K, Skilton M, O’Leary F. Dietary Patterns and Non-Communicable Disease Biomarkers: A Network Meta-Analysis and Nutritional Geometry Approach. Nutrients. 2023; 15(1):76.
  3. MS, Trevor Connor. “Groundbreaking Research Finds the Paleo Diet® Most Effective at Improving Markers of Chronic Illness.” The Paleo Diet®. N.p., 2 Mar. 2023. Web. <>.
  4. Professional, Cleveland Clinic Medical. “APO B Test.” Cleveland Clinic. N.p., n.d. Web. <>



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