
high protein meals for weight gain

5 Mouth Watering High Protein Meals For Weight Gain/Fat Loss – Lose Fat

High protein meals for weight gain/fat loss don’t have to be boring. You might see fitness individuals eating nothing, but chicken broccoli and rice, but you don’t have to do that (I’m not even sure they just do that). For the longest time, I was under the impression you have to eat boring in order to be able to stay fit.

I lost 50 pounds eating boring, but now, I love my diet and can keep the weight off so easily! You can use these high protein foods for weight loss and muscle gain, or just gain weight in general.

These will all be extremely high protein foods for weight gain! Absolutely delicious too!

High Protein Meals For Weight Gain

About to go to a place called Condados to eat. That place is AMAZING. They have item called “build your own nachos”, and you can get whatever you want on them. It’s less than $15. The ingredients they use area AMAZING. So many different sauces and cheeses too.

But anyways, even having a few ideas of what to eat besides rice and chicken is very helpful. When I lost 50 pounds, I thought I couldn’t eat anything but chicken and eggs. I was depriving myself. I had a terrible relationship with food, I don’t want anyone to feel like that.

You can find healthier alternatives to your favorite foods. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite recipes today. Now I’m using them to put on muscle.

Delicious High Protein Meals For Weight Gain/Fat Loss

Before diving into the high protein meals for weight gain/fat loss, you must understand, these (and any other recipes), can be used for weight gain or fat loss. It’s all about CALORIES IN AND CALORIES OUT. If you are eating more than your body needs, YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT. If you are eating less, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT.

My article, Calculating Calories EVERYTHING you need to know about how many calories your body needs.

Then in my article Fat Loss Diet Example to Lose Fat Mindlessly: Current Diet and Training Regimen 2023, I go into the exact regimen I used to lose 15 pounds (now almost 20). Check it out.

That absolutely has to be explained. Alright, lets jump into the high protein meals for weight gain/fat loss

1. Mouth Watering Protein Pizza

I mean, come one, who doesn’t love pizza. Protein pizza is EXTREMELY easy to make. I usually make two pizzas at a time and cut them into 4 slices. I eat two slice a day.

Here are the ingredients you’ll need. I’ll also link them below.

  1. Thin pizza crust
  2. 84 g of fat free shredded mozzarella cheese
  3. 84 g of low moisture part skim mozzarella (or any one of your liking)
  4. 50 of pizza sauce
  5. 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  6. 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  7. 1 teaspoon of crushed oregano

Let go over the making of the sauce first.

  1. Measure out 126 grams (g) of pizza sauce into a bowel
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  4. Add 1 teaspoon of oregano leaves
  5. Mix up the sauce

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After this, I measure out 84 grams of shredded fat-free mozzarella cheese and 84 grams of low moisture shredded mozzarella cheese into bowel and mix them up. I add the low moisture shredded mozzarella cheese just to make it stringy when I’m eating the pizza. I know, I’m weird.

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  1. Evenly spread pizza sauce over the pizza crust
  2. Add the cheese blend
  3. Heat your oven to 400 degree Fahrenheit
  4. Once it is warmed up, place the pizza in the oven for 13-15 minutes.
  5. Cut into four slices and enjoy! (or be an animal and eat them whole)

If you cut it into four slices here will be the break down for each slice:

  • Calories: 280 calories
  • Protein: 17.5 grams

If you wanted it even lower in calories, you could do only fat free cheese and here would be the break down:

  • Calories: 250 calories
  • Protein: 19 g

These slices are pretty big too and will fill you up. I usually eat the pizza with a salad.

2. Warm and Crispy Protein Packed Grilled Cheese

Here are the ingredients you’ll need for this recipe:

  1. 2 slices of 12 grain bread (these are the larger slices of bread, they are 120 calories per slice). Substitute this with protein bread if you’d like
  2. 56 g of shredded fat free mozzarella cheese
  3. 14 g of light butter

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  1. Turn the stove onto medium heat and wait for your pan to warm up
  2. While stove is warming up, measure out 56 g of fat free shredded mozzarella cheese and 14 g light butter
  3. Start warming your slices of bread on the pan far about 1 minute
  4. Put 7 g of light butter on the WARM side of each slice of bread
  5. Once the butter is applied, lay the bread on the NON-BUTTER side onto the pan
  6. Leave it like that for 1-2 minutes
  7. Then flip then onto the buttered sides
  8. Spread the cheese on the NON-BUTTER side of one of the slices bread. Then the lay the NON-BUTTER side of the other slice of bread on top of the cheese.
  9. Flip after 2 or 3 minutes or whenever the side of the bread on the pan is golden brown. Make sure your bread doesn’t burn

Here is the calorie and protein breakdown:

  • Calories: 370 calories
  • Protein: 28 g

You can modify this recipe as you want. Perhaps you can add meat to it.

You can eat this with something like Pure Protein BBQ crisps. Those will give you an additional 12 g of protein for 150 calories.

3. Juicy and Mouth Watering Chicken Wrap

For this, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. L’oven fresh protein wrap (or any protein wrap of your choosing)
  2. 2.5 oz of cooked chicken breast
  3. Garden Salad
  4. 15 g of light mayo
  5. 15 of Walden Farms Chicken Dip’N Sauce
  6. 14 g  of low moisture part skim mozzarella cheese

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For the chicken, I just made it on a barbecue grill

Prior to getting into the directions, I want to say something. As you can tell, none of my ingredients have from Wal-Mart. I use do a lot of my shopping there and get their brand of ingredients. However, they are supporting genocide by supporting Israel right now, I can’t support that.

That being said, I could only find the Chicken Dip’N Sauce from there, unfortunately. I bought it prior all this none sense becoming mainstream (this struggle has been going on for 70+ years). After it runs out, I’ll try to find an alternative.


  1. Warm up your protein wrap on the stove for 2-3 minutes on each side
  2. Measure out 2.5 ounces of cooked chicken breast and put it on your wrap
  3. On the chicken, put on 15 g of light mayo
  4. On that, put 15 g of Chicken Dip’N Sauce (or more if you want, it’s “0” calories)
  5. Put as much garden salad as you can fit onto the wrap
  6. Put 14 g of low moisture part skim mozzarella cheese on as the finishing touch

These are the total calories and protein for this meal:

  • Calories: 312 calories
  • Protein: About 38 g

Of course, if you want more calories, you can switch the light mayo to mayo. Also, you could switch the Walden Farms sauce to the Chick fil’ A sauce. You can do whatever your heart desires! Or you could add on more ingredients!

4. Creamy and Rich Protein Cheesecake Pudding

I had to throw a dessert in here, of course! This ABSOLUTELY delicious. I got the inspiration from a gentleman name Michael Kory on Instagram. I made my own take on the recipe though.

Here’s the ingredients you’ll need.

  1. 170 g of plain nonfat greek yogurt
  2. 63 g of whipped cream cheese (4 servings)
  3. 7 g of sugar free cheesecake pudding mix
  4. 3g of your choice of protein powder

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  1. Measure out 170 g of plain nonfat greek yogurt
  2. Put in one scoop of protein powder of your choice (I use the extreme milk chocolate from Gold Standard) and mix it with the greek yogurt
  3. Put in 7 g sugar free cheesecake powder and mix that up
  4. Then, add the 63 grams of whipped cream cheese and mix it all up
  5. Put in the fridge for 10 minutes
  6. Enjoy it!

Here is the calorie and protein break down

  • Calories: 385 calories
  • Protein: 43 g

I also understand this could be considered one of “high calorie high protein meals”. If your goal is less calories, perhaps only do 2 servings of the whipped cream cheese and/or one or no graham crackers. There is no right answer of how to make this recipe!

5. Soft and Scrumptious Protein French Toast

This recipe was also in my high protein breakfast recipe, but it’s so good, I wanted to include it in this post as well! It’s a high protein breakfast for weight loss and muscle gain!

You could also use it as high protein breakfast for weight gain in general, if that’s your goal, by being in a caloric surplus.

These have been floating around Youtube and Coach Greg Doucette really helped popularize them. I like to make them my own way and you can make any modifications you want as well. You’ll need the following ingredients

  1. 322 ml liquid egg whites
  2. Pumpkin spice (you can use cinnamon as well)
  3. Vanilla extract – this will help the pumpkin spice and egg whites mix easily
  4. Any bread of your choosing – I use round top wheat bread from Wal-Mart or Aldi


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Here are the steps to make the French toast – this should make 4 pieces of french toast.

  1. Pour 322 ml of egg whites into a bowel
  2. Put in 5 g of pumpkin spice – you can adjust this amount to your liking
  3. Add 6-10 drops of vanilla extract; enough to help the powder mix into the egg whites
  4. Mix all that up
  5. Soak one slice of bread at a time into the mixture you’ve made
  6. Cook on medium heat on the stove top until both sides are golden crispy brown
  7. Add 60 ml of sugar free syrup to the 4 pieces of french toast

You can add a serving of cool whip on top too to make it even more sweet. Then of course, if you want, you can add any fruit of your choosing.

If the only topping you count is two serving of the sugar free syrup, this entire meal will be 47 g of protein and 445 calories. That’s amazing.

Alright, those were my five delicious easy to make high protein meals for weight gain/fat loss! They can be used to put on weight or lose weight depending on if you’re in a caloric deficit or surplus! Try them out and let me know if you liked them!

Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

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