

Fat Loss Diet Example

Fat Loss Diet Example to Lose Fat Mindlessly: Current Diet and Training Regimen 2023

Looking for a fat loss diet example is guaranteed to work? Well, look no further! Many people ask me for a “7 day meal plan for weight loss”, “free 30 day meal plan for weight loss”, “free meal plan for weight loss women” or “belly fat loss diet for male”.

I’ll be sharing mine that helped me shed 15 pounds a few months ago. Though, there is no limit to the amount of weight you could lose on it.

I’ll also be sharing my current diet and weight training regimen that has helped be pack on muscle and get stronger. This will be the only sample diet plan for weight loss you’ll need to get started on your fitness journey!

Fat Loss Diet Example

I’m writing this article after eating 5 slices of Little Caesar’s and then some breadsticks. I’m an absolute champion. I still have 3 slices of pizza left over and can’t wait to eat those already lol. I made sure to save calories for all this food, don’t worry. I got plenty of protein earlier in the day. Pizza has plenty of protein in it too.

Anyways,  I love to know roughly how people went about losing weight and what their working out regimen and diet looks like. Not every day was perfect, but I always stayed as consistent as possible. I’ll be giving example diet plan to lose weight

Best Fat Loss Diet Example

1. Current Diet

I’m starting off with my current diet because my fat loss diet was the exact same foods for the most part. Of course, some things were eliminated and some were swapped out for lower calorie alternatives; an example being a higher calorie protein bar for a lower calorie protein bar.

I’ll talk about what I eliminated or switched out when I get to fat loss part. They were very simple meals for weight loss.

Anyways, below a chart with my current diet. I might raise my calories by another 200-300 calories if I keep losing weight.

Another think to note, this is for ME. For you, you need to figure out how many calories you need. I have a fantastic article about Counting Calories that will tell you EVERYTHING about how many calories you need. This is a fat loss diet EXAMPLE.

Gender: Male (I think)

Age: 69 (loljk, 30)

Height: 5’10.5″ (70.5 inches/179 centimeters) 

Weight: 188-190 pounds (85.57 kg to 86.64 kg)

Mental Status: Manchild


Food  Protein  Calories 
Breakfast  276 grams of Egg whites + 1 slice of pasteurized cheese 34 grams 200 calories
170 grams of plain fat free greek yogurt + 0 calorie drink enhancer 16 grams 90 calories
Large Banana 1 gram 120 calories
Breakfast Totals  51 grams  410 calories 
Lunch  2 Slices of Home Made Protein Pizza 41 grams 513 calories
Spring Mix Salad 15 calories
  28 grams of Croutons For Salad 4 grams 140 calories
Lunch Totals  45 grams  668 calories 
Dinner  5 ounces of Chicken breast 44 grams 234 calories
220 grams of Idahoan Butter and Herbs Mashed Potatoes 4 grams 220 calories
170 g of Assorted Frozen Vegetables 50 calories
Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop! 3 grams 100 calories
Dinner Totals  51 grams  604 calories 
Gatorade Protein Bar 20 grams 350 calories
Greek Yogurt 13 grams 100 calories
Snack #1 total  33 grams  450 calories 
Snack #2  Chocolate Ice Cream Made With Ninja Creami 32 grams 315 calories
Snack #2 total    32 grams  315 calories  
Totals    212 grams

2410 calories + 100 -200 more calories in additional snacks (ex). Rice cakes): So total usually ~2600 calories

2. Fat Loss Diet Example

I had a very simple meal plan to lose weight. Even when I started my diet, I was eating around 2600 calories, but was doing far less cardiovascular exercise (cardio). Since now I’m doing more, my body needs more calories. That’s why I’m not shooting up to the weight I was before while eating the same amount of calories.

On my diet, I eliminated roughly 100 calories a week or every other week until I had gotten down to 2000 calories. It got tough for me around then, so I utilized mostly increasing my cardio to that point.

I got down to 1800 calories, but that was only for the last 2 weeks.

You don’t want to just drastically lower your calories, you’ll be miserable. As you lower your calories, your metabolism slows down; your body is smart and works with what it has. If it starts receiving less calories, it’ll attempt to utilize less.

That’s why you have to slowly decrease your calories rather than just drastically cutting them. It’ll be less mentally taxing as well to cut calories slowly. Don’t be a buffoon. Or, be what you want to be Barbie girl! Anyone remember that commercial? Is that still a thing? I don’t even watch televsion anymore.

The foods that I had eliminated by the end of my diet were the croutons and instant mashed potatoes. I replaced the Gatorade protein bar (350 calories) for a pure protein, protein bar (180-200 calories). Both protein bars contain 20 grams of protein. I just find the Gatorade ones taste better, probably because they are full of sugar lol.

I also was not consuming the additional 100-200 calories I am right now to total ~2600 calories.

That resulted in an total calorie intake of ~1800 calories a day.

Other than that, the food I ate on my diet were the same. These foods keep my pretty full.

Figure out food that you love and find potentially healthier alternatives. I ate pizza every day while losing weight.

As you can see, I was not eliminating protein sources, only carbohydrates (carbs) sources. That was so I could maintain as much muscle as possible. It is definitely not a requirement to eliminate all your carbs to lose weight. I love carbs.

You can use this as an example meal plan for weight loss.

3. Current Weight Training Routine

For the majority of the past year or two, I was doing as six day a week weight lifting regimen known as Push/Pull/Legs (PPL). Here is what body parts they train.

  • Push: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
  • Pull: Back
  • Legs: Legs and I do biceps on this day too

Each of these days are done twice a week. So hers is what that might look like:

  • Monday – Push day
  • Tuesday – Pull day
  • Wednesday – Leg day
  • Thursday – Push day
  • Friday – Pull day
  • Saturday – Leg day
  • Sunday – Active rest day (cardio)

At this point in time, I’m doing an upper/lower body split. That’s where you workout your entire upper body twice a week and entire lower body twice a week. This is how that might look:

  • Monday: Upper body
  • Tuesday: Lower body
  • Wednesday: Active rest day (cardio)
  • Thursday: Upper body
  • Friday: Lower body
  • Saturday: Active recovery (cardio)
  • Sunday: Active recovery (cardio)

As you can see, even on my days off, I still do cardio. Why? It’s because I enjoy it, it keeps my mood mellow and I don’t feel anxious. I enjoy it, I’m not forcing myself to do it. I’ll explain in the next section how much cardio I do.

Anywho, here is the workout I roughly follow. I also do 10 minutes of cardio prior to weightlifting and then 10 minutes after as well. My cardio of choice during is either the elliptical on 10 resistance treadmill on 3 incline and 12 speed.

Upper Body Day ( I do this twice a week) 


Exercise Name 

Sets and Repetitions (Reps) 


Dumbbell Bench Press

Set 1: 15

Set 2: 12

Set 3: 10-12

Set 4: 8-12

Chest Supported Machine Row

Set 1: 15-20

Set 2: 15

Set 3: 12-15

Superset with dumbbell press: Do these between your sets of Dumbbell Press. This is known as a “superset”

Lat Pull Down Machine

Set 1: 15

Set 2: 10-12

Set 3: 10-12

Set 4: 10-12

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Set 1: 15-20

Set 2: 12-15

Set 3: 12-15

Superset these with Lat Pull Down Machine

Straight Arm Pushdown

Set 1: 12-15

Set 2: 10-12

Triceps Pushdown With V-bar attachment

Set 1: 12-15

Set 2: 10-12

Superset these with straight arm pushdown

Dumbbell Shrugs

Set 1: 15-20

Barbell Row

Set 1: 15

Set 2: 12

Set 3: 10-12

Cable Crunches/hanging raises/crunch machine

Set 1: 15

Set 2: 12-15

Set 3: 12-15

If I have time, I’ll do two of these. Otherwise, I usually try to do at least one.

Lower Body Day (I do this twice a week) 


Exercise Name 

Sets and Repetitions (Reps) 


Leg Press

Set 1: 15

Set 2: 1

Set 3: 10-12

Set 4: 10-12

EZ Bar Curls

Set 1: 15-20

Set 2: 12-15

Set 3: 8-12

Superset with leg press

Smith Machine Squats

Set 1: 15

Set 2: 10-12

Set 3: 10-12

Set 4: 8-12

Incline dumbbell Curls

Set 1: 15-20

Set 2: 12-15

Set 3: 12-15

Superset these with smith machine squats

Leg Extensions

Set 1: 15-20

Set 2: 12-15

Seated Hamstring Curls

Set 1: 15-20

Set 2: 12-15

Superset these with straight arm pushdown

Seated Calf Raises/Calf press machine

Set 1: 15-20

Abductor Machine

Set 1: 15-20

Set 2: 12-15

Adductor Machine

Set 1: 15-20

Set 2: 12-15


Cable Crunches/Hanging raises/Crunch machine

Set 1: 15

Set 2: 12-15

Set 3: 12-15

If I have time, I’ll do two of these. Otherwise, I usually try to do at least one.

My weight lifting sessions last around 60-80 minutes on days that I work, including cardio. My shifts are usually 12 hours, so I don’t want to be in the gym for too long. If I’m in a rush, I’ll cut a set of some of my exercises that are 4 sets.

If I need to eliminate an exercise or two for the day, I’m fine with that as well, as long as I’m getting my big compound movements in.

For example, if I’m not able to do the abductor and adductor machine for the day, it’s fine. I want to make sure to do my squats and leg press though.

On days that I’m off, I like to take my time and my weight lifting session could last up to 80-90 minutes. Then 20 minutes of cardio on top of that. So that’s about 1.5 to maybe 2 hours total.

You don’t have to weightlift 3 hours a day, 7 days a week. I only weightlift 4 days a week, currently. If you read my article on Weightlifting For Beginners, I even give a workout on there that can be done 2-3 times a week.

So stop making stop making excuses so you can sit there and eat chips and watch Love is Blind (what a stupid show) and go and workout. My wife made me watch it and I just couldn’t

One dude was live “I don’t want to vulnerable” or something like that. Dude, then why did you come on television.

4. Current Cardio Regimen

Currently for cardio, I usually run to McDonalds every day. I’m just kidding. I don’t support genocide anyways.

For cardio I’m currently doing 10 minutes before my weightlifting session to warm up and 10 minutes after  just to cool down. Since I weightlift 4 times a week, that’s 80 minutes there. Then on remaining two or three days of days of the week, I do 90 minutes of cardio on each day.

That’s an additional 180-270 minutes; that totals anywhere from 260-350 minutes a week. That’s about 4.5 to 6 hours of cardio every week. Yes, that’s a lot, but I enjoy it. It helps me stay active and not feel anxious.

Most importantly, it allows me to be a fat butt and eat much more food. I love food. I love food so much.

My cardio of choice are either the treadmill on 12 incline at 3 speed or the elliptical at 10 resistance. I peddle at whatever pace I feel like on the elliptical, which isn’t ideal for consistency sake, but I have to improve there. I do whichever one I feel like for the day.

5. Fat Loss Diet Example: Cardio While Dieting

I made a chart of this below for all the visual learners which is at the end of this section. Also, the my cardio choices were the same on my diet, either the elliptical on incline treadmill.

I started off by doing 10 minutes a day, 6 days a week prior to my workouts. It’s when I was doing a PPL regimen. Then on my 7th day, I’d do 30 minutes. This was a weekly total of 90 minutes to start off with. I’d increase this by roughly 20 minutes per week. I increased by weekly cardio by 20 minutes until I was doing 90 minutes on my 7th day when I wasn’t weightlifting.

When I got to 90 minutes, that’s when I eliminated my 6th day of lifting (I eliminated a leg day because I’m a panzy) and started doing 45 minutes each on my 2 non lifting days. Then I increased each of those two days by 15 minutes every week (so that’s an increase of 30 minutes per week) until I was doing 90 minutes each day.

Then I went back to increasing my cardio by 20 minutes each week, this time, adding it to the end of my workouts on weightlifting days. I go to the point I was doing 90 minutes on my 2 non lifting days and 10 minutes of cardio prior to weightlifting and 40 minutes afterwards on 4 out of 5 of my weightlifting days.

The fifth days of lifting I had mercy of myself, only 10 minutes of cardo prior to lifting. This was a total of 390 minutes of cardio per week. That’s 6.5 hours. Yeah, it’s lot.

The cardio was increased slowly over time to make it more bearable.

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Weekly Minute Totals


Fat Loss Diet Example – Cardio (minutes)

1 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 90
2 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 110
3 10 10 10 10 10 10 70 130
4 10 10 10 10 10 45 45 140
5 10 10 10 10 10 60 60 170
6 10 10 10 10 10 75 75 200
7 10 10 10 10 10 90 90 230
8 20 20 10 10 10 90 90 250
9 20 20 20 20 10 90 90 270
10 30 30 20 20 10 90 90 290
11 30 30 30 30 10 90 90 310
12 40 40 30 30 10 90 90 330
13 40 40 40 40 10 90 90 350
14 50 50 40 40 10 90 90 370
15 50 50 50 50 10 90 90 390
16 50 50 50 50 10 90 90 390

That’s it! You got a fat loss diet example! That’s all about my diet and training when I was dieting and just trying to maintain/gain muscle. Please let me know your thoughts and what your diet and training might look like!

Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

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