

Fitness Equipment

4 Must Have Fitness Equipment/Tools That Will Make it Much Easier To Lose Stubborn Fat

Fitness equipment/tools, while not required to achieve fat loss, can be a tremendous help with losing fat and keeping it off. Not all of this “equipment” is necessarily equipment to be used in the gym, but at home as well. This equipment or “tools” I actually attribute to my success of gaining muscle and losing fat. I’m excited to talk about them today.

Fitness Equipment 

Fitness equipment/tools can really make or break the success of someone not only losing fat, but keeping it. I lost 50 pounds in the past and gained it again, then lost it gain. The equipment, or tools that I use have made my entire fitness journey easier.

The “equipment” I’ll be talking about isn’t necessarily equipment that needs to be used while actively exercising, they’ll be things that will help you stay consistent. Of course, there will be some equipment that I use in the gym a well.

Just remember,  more important than any tool or piece of equipment is starting to workout and staying CONSISTENT. ALL RIGHT PARTY PEOPLE LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!!!

This post will tell you about the most critical fitness equipment/tools that will make your fat loss journey INFINITELY easier. 

Best Fitness Equipment/Tools

1. Food Scale

I just bought the deluxe cravings box from Taco Bell, I must say, it was delicious! I ate everything but one burrito out of it and told myself I’d save it for later. That later happened to be 10 minutes later. Am I the only one who does that? Asking for a friend.

Anyways, first, lets talk about a food scale! This will help you accurately track everything you are eating. It’ll make your life SO MUCH EASIER.

Rather than you just randomly guessing, you can measure what you eat. You’d be surprised what is considered a serving size. Light mayonnaise for example, I used to use a spoonful of and it count it as one serving. When I got a food scale, I realized that my “one serving” was actually about two or three servings.

I bought a digital food scale off Amazon and use it every day. I would absolutely recommend everyone to own one of these. It’s only about $25. I know that you can buy that.

Here is the exact one I use. If you click on the picture, it’ll take you to Amazon.

fitness equipment stores

2. Calorie Tracker

Anyone been watching the One Piece live action show? It’s pretty good, I hope they make more episodes. If you haven’t watched it, watch it.

Ok, I know, I have to focus. Sorry guys. Back to business. I swear I’m a normal person. Onto the next fitness equipment/tool.

We talked about how to measure your food to accurately measure the calories. Now it comes to, where do you document all your calories? I use the free version of MyFitnessPal. It’s a fantastic app. Using it, I track not only how many calories I’m taking in, but assuring that I’m getting in a proper amount of protein for the day.

This will help you stay consistent with your goals. You can even create your own recipes on there and save them to be input again.

Here is what the logo look like so you can look for it in your app store. You can also click on the picture to go to their website.

fitness equipment near me

3. Workout Tracker

Now, the goal when you are working out is always to get better, but if you’re not ever recording the workout that you do, how are you going to potentially do better the next time? THINK READER THINK (you guys seen that meme, makes me laugh hard lol).

So you need to be logging what exercise you are doing, how many sets, how many repetitions (reps) and how much weight, of course.

The app that I’m currently using is called “Strong”. I like it a lot and I’m using the free version. The problem is, it only lets me set 3 different workouts. The paid version is a $100, I believe, so maybe I’ll make that investment soon enough. If anyone has a better fitness tracker, please share!

By using this, when I get into the gym, I know how much weight, how many sets and reps I have to do. This way, I’m always trying to be better than last time. Of course, you don’t always have to increase weights, reps or sets to be better, but that’s a discussion for a different time.

I used to document this all on my Notes app on my iPhone, but Strong makes this much easier.

Here is what their logo looks like so you can look for it in the app store. You can also click the picture to go to their website.

workout equipment from home

4. Shaker Bottle

Shake, Shake, Shake ya booty!!!

If you are starting to workout, you will need to not only make sure you are hydrated to get in an effective workout, you’ll be prioritizing protein as well. To one point or another, you’ll be drinking protein shakes. A blender bottle will make it so much easier to blend that protein powder up so you aren’t drinking chunks of it.

I’ve bought a plastic one and stainless steel one. They’re both fine to be honest. There a less chance of the stainless steel one starting to smell bad though.

Here is the exact one I bought. If you click on the picture, it’ll take you to Amazon.

used exercise equipment for sale

Bonus 5. Standing Desk/Walking Treadmill

This last one I’ll be talking about is quite expensive and definitely not as important as the other ones. In fact, I have yet to get a standing desk. I bought a walking treadmill and have not opened it up yet. I believe once I get a standing desk, this will be a game changer though.

Instead of spending extra time at the gym, you can just be doing work on your laptop and walking on a treadmill at the same time. Or even watching a movie from the comfort of your own home. I find that to be absolutely amazing!

Bonus 6. Lifting Straps

This is not an item I’d recommend for beginners, but I didn’t want to leave out any piece of equipment tool that I’ve bought to aid me in the gym and with losing fat and keeping it off.

I honestly did not start using these until many years into lifting weights, but wish I would have potentially used them sooner.

They will make it so many of the lifts you are performing rely less on your grip strength and more about the strength of the muscle you are working out. For example, when I am deadlifting, after a certain point, my grip starts giving out; these wrist straps help me use heavier weight or do more reps.

I personally use the “figure 8” wrist straps from MyProtein. I actually use a lot of their products (please sponsor me I love you guys).

workout equipment names

Well, that’s it. Just remember, like I said before, none of these pieces of equipment/tools can help you if you don’t get started. Start and be CONSISTENT! 

This post was all about the best fitness equipment/tools that have were VITAL to help me lose 50 pounds and keep it off and could do the same for you!

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Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

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