
Fat Loss Program – The ONLY 5 Facts You Need to Know To LOSE FAT

Fat loss program, EVERYTHING you need know to get in shape!!!

Fat Loss Program

Everyone is different and the same generic fat loss program will NOT work for everyone. So today, I will be giving you the EXACT details you need to construct your own fat loss program. It’s UNBELIEVABLY easy!

I’ve lost 50 pounds twice in my life, so I know A LOT about losing weight. I will share what I have learned, so you don’t make the same mistakes as I did.

People ask things such as “workout plan for weight loss female”, “fat loss workout plan male” or “weight loss workout plans”. The idea is the same though, male or female.

To lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit, meaning, eating less calories than your body requires. It’s that simple. You don’t want to go on an extreme fat loss program though, it’ll be miserable and you will gain the weight back just as fast.

You should only aim to lose 0.5% to 1% of your overall bodyweight per week.

So, for someone that is 200 pounds (lbs), that would be 1 to 2 lbs a week.

So lets get into the completely FREE fat loss program for beginners or even beyond!

BEST Fat Loss Program

Before getting into this, yes, this will require a bit of effort on your part. You will need to do things such as track the food you eat. It takes a bit of effort, but you can do it. Losing the weight will be life changing! I did it, so I know anyone can!!!

1. Calculating Calories To Lose Weight

I’ve gone over this in many of my other posts and will continue to do so, so that everyone realizes how CRITICAL this step is.

You can exercise all you want, but if you are eating more calories than your body requires, you will NOT lose weight.

So you might be thinking, I’ll just drop my calories super low and lose weight fast, easy, right? Well, you’ll be starving all day and be prone to binge eating. You’ll reverse all your hard work.

Also, your body will adapt to those low calories eventually and you’ll need to keep dropping your calories, or add more exercise to lose the weight. It’s a terrible cycle.

With a methodical approach, you’ll be able to eat more and lose the weight more easily.

First step is to find out roughly how many calories you need. Here are three calculators I used. I took the average of the number I got:


The average I got, I still subtract 500 calories from as it seemed a bit high. This is the amount of calories I eat for the next 2-3 weeks to see how my body responds.

Another thing to note, your body might not start losing weight right away, it take my body 2-3 weeks sometimes to start losing paint. BE PATIENT.

If after that, you are still not losing weight or gaining, weight, decrease your calories by another 200 calories. Then reassess after another week or two.

Anytime your body stops losing weight, you can decrease your calories by 200 calories until  you get to your goal weight!

If you are losing weight too fast, increase your calories by 100-200 calories!

2. Measuring Food Weight Loss

Especially when you start your fat loss journey, you need to be able to measure what you are eating! I’ve had my food scale for 5 years and it’s amazing. It only costs $25.

You probably spend more than that on a night out. So you can afford it!

Once you get an idea of portion sizes, you don’t have to measure your food out as much, I personally still weigh my food out every time.

Rather than guessing what a serving size is, you can accurately measure what you are eating. What you think might be a teaspoon or tablespoon, is probably a lot less than what you are measuring out!

Here is a the exact food scale I use, you can buy it if you want:

fat loss program free

I don’t have any association with them if you think I’m trying to sell it to you.

You also need a place to keep track of all your calories! I use MyFitnessPal. It’s completely free. It will automatically have the calories and macronutrient (macro) counts for almost all products! Very convenient.

Remember to document any oils or condiments you use as well, those calories don’t just disappear!

Here is a link to MyFitnessPal:

fat loss program pdf

3. Cardio Exercises

Cardiovascular exercise (cardio) will be very helpful as well! It can help you get in a caloric deficit without having to cut out as much food.

There are tons of other benefits of cardio as well, other than just losing weight. So it’s very important.

Here’s what I do for my cardio:

  • Jiu-Jitsu three times a week
  • Treadmill once a week; I put it on 12 incline and 3 speed and do that for 60 minutes. I’m usually not able to stay at 12 incline the entire time, half the time ends up being at a 6 incline
  • Elliptical once a week for 60 minutes as well. I do at 10 resistance
  • Elliptical as a warm up for 10 minutes before my weightlifting sessions, 4 times a week

Now you might be thinking, wow, he does so much cardio, I don’t have time for that! Or, I can’t do that much cardio!

You don’t have to do that much! Do what YOU CAN. I’ve been active for years, so I can do it. Also, I do it because I enjoy it! I’m not forcing myself.

If all you can do is 5 minutes of cardio a day or few days a week, do that. Then maybe the next week, try 10 minutes a day the next week! Slowly build up your cardio. You can increases your daily cardio by 5-10 minutes every week.

You can distribute your cardio however you want throughout the week. If you don’t want to do 5 minutes a day, maybe do 35 minutes on day. Increase it whenever you can.

In  my article, Fat Loss Diet Example to Lose Fat Mindlessly: Current Diet and Training Regimen 2023under section 5, I have a table of exactly how I increased my cardio over my 16 week diet! You can follow the same routine or a similar one if you’d like.

Now, what form or cardio should you being doing? Whatever you can! Whatever you like the most (or hate the least!).

Going outside for walk counts, you don’t even have to go to a gym.

Swimming, playing sports, jogging or running!

Some people us a step goal, such as getting in 10,000 steps a day. That way, anything they do count towards their cardio. This could include shopping or yard work. You can start off at however many steps you can do a day and maybe increase by a 100 or 200 steps/day every week!

There is no right answer. Remember, you are trying to make a healthy lifestyle!

4. Weight Lift For Weight Loss

I understand if you don’t have time for this, but if you can, it’s very important. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism.

Muscle requires more calories to sustain itself as opposed to fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn by just existing. That means you can eat more food!

Also, this will allow for more fat loss instead of weight loss during your diet. Weight loss is losing weight in any form. Fat loss, is attempting to have as much weight being lost in the form of fat.

Utilizing your muscle, will let your body know you need to keep that muscle!

When you lose the weight you will have a more defined body as well! If you start losing your muscle, you’ll decrease your metabolism and have a softer look when you lose weight.

You don’t have to weight lift every day, you can even weightlift 2-3 times a week! You need a gym workout for fat loss?? Don’t worry, here are two:

  1. Weight Lifting. This article gives you a regimen that can be done 2-3 times a week.
  2. Fat Loss Diet Example to Lose Fat Mindlessly: Current Diet and Training Regimen 2023. In section three you’ll see my 4 day a week weight training regimen. This is what I currently follow.

Weight lifting has other benefits as well such as strengthen your bones. I believe everyone should weight lift!

5. Prioritize Protein

Protein is what builds muscle. Getting in enough protein will help you preserve the muscle you already have and help build more.

You should aim to get in 0.8-1 grams(g) per pound(lbs) of your body weight in protein!

On top of that, protein is is also harder to digest, so it will keep you more full for longer.

It also takes more calories to digest protein, so you’re body will expend more energy burning the protein! That’s more calorie burning action.

Here’s the breakdown of how many calories each macronutrient uses to be digested:

  1. Carbohydrates: 5-10%
  2. Fats: 0-3%
  3. Protein: 20-30%

Now, I’m not saying eliminate carbohydrates (carbs) or fats. I’ve never eliminated any macro. I love my carbs. I just make sure to prioritize my protein!

That’s it! That’s all you need to know to get STARTED! This will help you create your fat loss program!!

Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

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