

Comparing Yourself to Others

What did the clock do when it was hungry? It went back four seconds! Sorry, had to put that cheesy joke here. It has nothing to do with this blog at all. Someone told it to me and I laughed harder than I should have.

Anyways, comparing yourself to online photos or even others you know. It’s not a good idea, you should only be competing again YOURSELF. Everyone is build different. Genetics play a huge roll in how much muscle growth you might experience and what part(s) of your body grows more (say your perverted joke inside your own head and lets move on. If you can’t think of it, good). Also, not all the pictures you see online are how people walk around all the time. Many people manipulate the pictures they take with lighting, sucking in their stomach, posing to hide their weak points or even digitally editing.

You don’t need to beat yourself down. For me, I used to watch UFC and I thought what the fighters weighed on stage when they announced if they made weight or not is how much they actually weighed. The fighter fighting at 155 don’t actually weigh 155, they’ve cut tons of water to come down to that weight. Many fighters put their health at risk while doing this. It may seem like common sense to many people, but sure wasn’t for me.

Now days, performance enhancing drugs are more common than you think. People take many different forms of drugs, which I’m personally not even familiar with. Steroids are just some of the things, people take other types of hormones, drugs that help with fat burning and some people even inject synthol to make their muscle look better (synthol is oil). People may also opt for medical procedure such as implants. You have to keep all this in mind. Though, many people are open and honest about this, others aren’t.

There is a certain youtuber, who is under a lot of fire at the time of me writing this post, claimed they had never done any sort of drugs in and their physique was built due to nothing but hard word and diet. Then, some of their emails were leaked and it found that they spending thousands of dollars per month on different kinds of drugs. That’s right, THOUSANDS. Over $10,000. They had been lying for months. How is that acceptable? How can lie to your followers like that, I don’t get it.

Then they claimed they had never gotten any sort of implants; a plastic surgeon reviewed his pictures and stated that it almost looked like they had implants. So maybe they do, who knows. That being said, you just have to be careful. Do not compare yourself to anything and everything you see.

Now, don’t discredit their hard work either though, it still takes work to look great. You can’t just take drugs and then sit around and play Pokemon Scarlet and Violet all day and expect to gain muscle and/or lose fat. People still have to work VERY hard to attain amazing physiques. Paying close attention to their diets and working out as hard as possible.

Also, if you’re into bodybuilding, when you see these athletes on stage and absolutely shredded, they’re not in a very health state at that point. They are most likely very low body fat percentage, which isn’t sustainable. They are also probably starving and barely have any energy because they are in huge caloric deficits.

All this being said, just get in the gym or outside or wherever you like to workout and work as hard as YOU can. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Many of these pictures online may be deceiving. Aim to be healthy and always create balance in your life.


Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

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