
Healthy desserts chocolate for weight loss

Healthy Desserts Chocolate: DELICIOUS Protein Chocolate Pudding to Lose Fat

Healthy desserts chocolate! If you want an AMAZING and DELICIOUS way to curb your chocolate craving, you’re in the right place!

Are you craving healthy chocolate desserts? Well, you are in the right place! The entire recipe will take you less than 10 minutes to put together. A very quick healthy chocolate dessert for those with time constraints.

It packs 32 grams of protein for 310 calories! It WILL curb your chocolate craving, that I guarantee you.

Lets get into it!

BEST Easy Healthy Desserts Chocolate Recipes

It’s summer now. What a beautiful time of year! Very hot though. You know, I don’t ever really go outside anyways, it’s better than the cold though.

Even all my exercising, I do it all indoors. I weight lift and do jiu-jitsu. Not sure if I’m made for the outdoors.

In other news, I was on YouTube and the most random video suggestions come up for me. One second I’m watching a hippo chase a boat; then I’m watching Stone Cold Steve Austin (from WWE) drive in on a Zamboni and spraying  beer everywhere. What a time to be in. Then, there’s a video of people who went camping and found an abandoned “hotel” on a trail with giant dolls all over the yard! I mean, that’s wrong with people??

Anyways, I should probably get into the recipe.

I just ate it before writing this post and I CAN’T STAND HOW TASTY IT IS!! Sorry for the all caps haha, it’s just that good!

I even had my mom try some and she really liked it!! You will not be disappointed, I promise!

1. Ingredients

1. 30 grams (g) of Zero Sugar Jell-O Chocolate Instant Pudding Mix (2 tablespoons)

For those of you dropping a log in your pants from the thought of artificial sweeteners causing cancer, please read the first section of my article, Pharmacist Reviews: How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally – Healthy Habits: 7 of the BEST Ways. 

healthy dark chocolate desserts

2. 240 milliliters (ml) of 1% Milk (1 cup)

You can also use fat free milk.

easy healthy chocolate desserts

3. 32 g of Chocolate Protein Powder (1 scoop)

You can use the protein powder of your choice, the chocolate pudding mix with take over the taste of the powder most likely anyways! I can’t taste mine at all. I use the extreme milk chocolate flavor from Optimum Nutrition.

healthy chocolate recipes for weight loss

2. Directions

  1. Measure out 30 grams (or 2 tablespoons roughly) of zero sugar Jell-O chocolate instant pudding mix into a bowl
  2. Pour 240 ml (1 cup roughly) into the same bowel
  3. Mix it up, I usually have to mix for about 4 or 5 minutes until it becomes thick
  4. Pour in your 32 g of protein powder of choice or whatever one serving would be considered for that protein powder
  5. Mix that in
  6. Enjoy it!

That’s it! You could also let it sit in the fridge for 15-20 minutes to chill if you want it to be colder and even thicker! You can top it with a serving of chocolate chips as I did in the picture, but that will add 70 calories.

I even dip strawberries into this sometimes, so good! Strawberries are low in calories as well, so they’ll fill you up even more!

That’s how easy it is. This AMAZING recipe has 310 calories and 32 grams of protein! I’m still so excited about this recipe!

You can eat delicious food and get in shape! There are healthy chocolate recipes for weight loss and this is one of the BEST ones!

Give this MOUTH WATERING recipe a try and start losing weight and/or building muscle in a delicious way! Let me know if you like it or not!

Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

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healthy dark chocolate desserts, healthy desserts with chocolate chips, healthy desserts chocolate, quick healthy chocolate desserts, simple healthy desserts chocolate, easy healthy desserts chocolate

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