

how to lose belly fat naturally

Pharmacist Reviews: How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally – Healthy Habits: 7 of the BEST Ways

How to lose belly fat naturally, is the question of the century? Who doesn’t have some extra belly fat? Are there other ways than just exercises to get rid of the fat? Today we’ll be talking about some of them.

Just a quick thing to say, if you’re looking for a quick fix, this article is not for you. Whoever tells you that you can target belly fat and lose it in one night or 1 week, is wasting your time. 

how to lose belly fat naturally

I always talk about healthing and fitnessing (I know those aren’t word, calm down), yet I’ve ate greasy pizza the past three days. You know what though, it’s okay to do that every now and then. I’ve still be consistently working out. I’ll buy pizza at least every other week.

Anyways, lets get to it. People search things such as, “natural belly fat burner”, “how to lose belly fat in 1 week”, “how to lose belly fat overnight easy trick” or “how to lose belly fat quickly”.

Everyone one wants a fast way out. If it were that easy, why would 75% of America’s population be overweight or obese? Losing weight in general isn’t hard, you just had to be CONISISTENT and have patience!

How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally

Before I start getting into methods you could potentially use, let me state some things. First and foremost, I say this in so many of my articles, you have to be in a CALORIC DEFICIT to lose fat. What does that mean, you have to eat LESS calories than you body is using.

You can’t eat more calories than you body is utilizing and expect to lose fat. #sorrynotsorry

Secondly, you CANNOT choose where your body will lose weight from PERIOD. Everyone holds fat more-so in different places depending on their GENETICS. You can’t do ab exercises to burn more fat from your belly. Sorry to burst your bubble. This will  help you strengthen your core, so when you lose body fat, you’ll be able to see your abs sooner.

If anyone is telling you this nonsense, run from them.

The best way to lose weight overall, including belly fat, is to be in a caloric deficit and exercise regularly. You can do it, I’ve lost 50 pounds on two separate occasion in my life, I’m nothing special.

Lets get into way you can burn or consume less calories naturally.

1. Cut Out Calorie Filled Sugary Drinks4,5

That’s correct, if you are drinking REGULAR pop (soda for you southerners), fruit juices or sugary coffees, you are consuming calories you don’t need. Those calories aren’t filling you up.

Instead, you can substitute this with drinks with artificial sweetener. OH MY GOD, artificial sweetener CAUSES CANCER. No, no it doesn’t. There is no credible study on humans that report such a thing.

The study that reported this misinformation was, “Long-term carcinogenicity bioassays on Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to aspartame in feed”. This article was published in 2006 and was conducted at a Ramazzini institute in Italy and was performed on rats.

Let me put in reference for you, the rats were consuming 5000 milligrams/kilograms (mg/kg) of aspartame (the sweetener used in diet drinks) daily. Diet coke has about 188 mg of aspartame. A 200 pound (lbs) individual would have to consume 5,319 cans of diet coke EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR 3 YEARS to recreate the results of this study.

The World Health Organization (WHO), International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Food and Agriculture Organization and Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) have assessed the safety of aspartame. Per, WHO, the IARC classified aspartame as possibly carcinogenic to humans due to having “limited evidence” for carcinogenicity in humans. It was classified as a group 2B substance by the IARC.

how to lose belly fat overnight (easy trick)

You can also use drink enhancers if you’d like. Or, you can be like me and just drink water most of the time.

2. Stay Hydrated1,2,3,6

Piggybacking off of the last point we covered, stay hydrated. If you are dehydrated, you might confuse thirst with hunger, that’s why it’s so important to stay hydrated. The body is composed just about 60% of water.

It’s recommended men drink around 125 ounces and women drink around 91 ounces per the National Academics of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Though, this recommendation is for healthy and sedentary adults living in temperate climate.

If you are a more active adult and live in a warmer climate or have medical conditions, you may need to drink more water.

There are also MANY other benefits of staying hydrated that go beyond the scope of this article that range from improved cognitive function to improved blood circulation.

Any form of liquid that you drink can count towards your goal. Even drinks such as coffee, which can act as diuretics count toward your fluid intake.

A few signs of dehydration (but definitely not limited to), include fatigue. lightheadedness, dizziness or dark urine.

Other than that, maybe sip on liquids all day.

3. Find Healthier Alternatives To Your Favorite Foods

One thing I learned the hard way is, you DON’T NEED TO GIVE UP FOODS YOU LOVE. To a point, I thought you had to eat nothing, but chicken, rice, salads and eggs and only “healthy foods” to lose weight.

An example of this is, I love pizza. So, I eat it every single day. How you may ask? By making it at home. I buy thin crust, make some pizza sauce at home and top it with fat free mozzarella and low-moisture mozzarella cheese.

I also love cheesecake, so I have a protein cheesecake recipes that has over 40 grams (g) of protein in it!

If you love burgers, you can find some amazing burger recipes. Or maybe you like tacos, burritos or whatever; you can find AMAZING recipes online for those.

My article, 5 Mouth Watering High Protein Meals For Weight Gain/Fat Loss – Lose Fat, that has the high protein pizza and protein cheesecake recipe in,  I eat these almost every day.

I have lost 20 pounds recently eating pizza EVERY SINGLE DAY and my belly fat did indeed go down.

If you love chips, maybe try baked chips to save some calories. Better yet, eat Orville Redenbacher smart pop popcorn. It’s 100 calories for an entire bag. It’s more volume than a bag of chips, so it’ll get you fuller, faster!

A bag of Doritos is 260 calories, you could eat almost 2.5 bags of the smart pop popcorn for the same calories.

This is an easy part of “natural ways to reduce belly fat”.

East food that are less dense in calories. Add more fruit and veggies to your diet if you can. Greens have hardly any calories.

4. Weigh and Track Everything You Eat

The fourth part of the “how to lose belly fat naturally” segment. I’d recommend buying a food scale, you wouldn’t believe what the actual measurements of foods are. You might be eating way more than you think. One serving of something like peanut butter is much more than you think.

Track what you eat too. If you see your daily logs (and I’m not talking the logs you feed your toilet with), you’ll be able to tell exactly how much you are eating every day.

My article, 4 Must Have Fitness Equipment/Tools That Will Make it Much Easier To Lose Stubborn Fat, will link you to the exact food scale and food tracking app that I use.

This one isn’t as natural, but I highly recommend everyone do it. Actually, I beg you, so you don’t waste time like me; figure out how many calories your body need. Don’t just eat a random amount of a calories, I randomly chose 1800 calories for years. I wasn’t getting stronger or losing weight. Be methodical

If you’re confused about how many calories you need, fear not! My article Calculating Calories is EVERYTHING you need to figure out how many calories you need.

5. Minimalize Junk Foods In Your Home

This can be tough if you don’t live alone, but, do the best you can. If you don’t have a bag of Doritos staring you in the face, you’re less likely to crave them. Or, every time you go in the kitchen, you don’t have chocolate that you can easily grab and eat.

6. Use Smaller Plates

The next one is kind of cheesy, but it works for people. It wouldn’t work for me because I would just go back for seconds, thirds, fourths and seven hundredths because I have issues.

Bigger plates allow you to pack on more food onto it. You’ll be inclined to put more food on it as you’ll have more space. If you use a smaller plate, less food will fit onto, yet, it’ll look fuller.

7. Walk More!

Perhaps park further or take the stairs when you can. I hate the individual who invented the stairs a lot and am definitely team elevator, but taking stairs multiple times a day can turn into some exercise.

I park far away from buildings every time. Mostly I have anxiety about parking in the areas with lots of cars and pedestrians because I would accidentally hit someone or something; this allow forces me to get more steps in.

There you have it, there are some of my tips of natural ways to reduce belly fat! Apply these tips and you’ll be on your way!

Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

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