


Now, you won’t wake up every single day feeling all cheery and ready to workout and that’s ok. Life’s not all a 12-inch philly chicken sub with crispy golden brown french fries as a side and a Nutella and Kit-kat crepe for dessert, as I’m sure you’re well aware of. We all have off days, or multiple off days. You’re no less than anyone else. Maybe there’s external factors going on, or you just need to increase your calories by a bit to for a few days as you have little energy. The best thing to do, is go in and just workout. Believe me, you’ll be happy you did it. Now I’m not saying go and workout if you’re sick and know you have something like COVID. I can’t believe COVID is still going as strong as it, but crazy. Remember when it wasn’t a thing? Then all of a sudden people were defecating in their pants all of a sudden if you got within 69 miles of them and everything closed down. That was a pretty sad time. The government started printing all this money and we know have lots of inflation. Anyways, you’re just going to spread your germs if you’re sick and feel awful terrible while working out anyways. Keep your sickness to yourself. If you feel like you’ve hurt yourself, don’t try to push through the pain, go and see your doctor. I’m just talking about if you’re lacking some motivation.

Whenever I lack the motivation, I still get my exercising in. A lot of the times, it gets me feeling better and gives me energy. It also give me a sense of accomplishment. I know that I did something positive for my body. As long as you’re tracking everything too, it’ll give you motivation. Track all your food if you can and take progress pictures. Possibly have a gym partner so you are held accountable.  Check your sexy butt out in the mirror before every shower! If you don’t shower, then…uhhh…that’s kind of gross. Your stinky self probably should shower. Every single person you see in the gym, none of them are perfect. They all most likely have off days. I sure do, but I just try to work as hard as I can. Whether I’m walking on the treadmill or lifting weights.

Another key thing to keep in mind is, fitness IS NOT A LINEAR PROCESS. You will not get consistently better every time you go in. This can cause a bit of a loss of motivation, but shouldn’t. Stay as consistent as possible. Don’t take it overly seriously, just go in and enjoy it!

The biggest thing like I said before, is consistency. If you can be consistent, you’ll see progress overtime. It can take weeks, month or years to see significant changes. People just seem to quit after not seeing quick progress. You have to be disciplined. I did it, I lost just about 50 lbs twice and I’m just like anyone else. How bad do you want it? Get up and get after it. For those of you that have watched One Punch Man, be like Saitama! Get your workouts it. If you haven’t watched it, watch it, the show is hilarious.

Disclaimer: I’m not your doctor. Please consult your doctor, nutritionist or any health care professional before making any changes in your own lifestyle. These blogs are just me sharing my knowledge for you reading entertainment purpose only. None of this is medical advice.

Key Points

  1. Just be consistent
  2. Watch one punch man

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